Rent Registry Form

The Los Angeles City Council enacted the City’s Rent Registry Program (Ordinance #184529) effective October 4, 2016. This ordinance provides that, in addition to paying the annual registration fee, landlords must also provide the rent amount for every rental unit subject to the RSO by the last day of February of each year. Registration is complete only when all outstanding registration fees have been paid and all required rental amount and tenancy information, including emergency contact information, is provided.

The annual RSO/SCEP bill includes a two-page double-sided Rent Registry form.  An online Rent Registry Portal has also been created at to provide Landlords a more effective and efficient means to ensure accuracy and avoid any mailing delays. The Rent Registry Portal includes an online downloadable csv spreadsheet, which will be especially helpful for owners and managers of larger properties. This csv spreadsheet can be downloaded and, once information has been entered, the information entered on the spreadsheet will be uploaded automatically to the online rent registry portal. Landlords who pay their annual registration and submit their completed Rent Registry form online will receive their Annual Statement of Registration (Certificate) shortly of online submission.


Q: Who do I put down under Emergency Contact Information?

A: The emergency contact can be the property owner, manager, or whoever you feel is the appropriate person to call should there happen to be an emergency at your property such as a fire, etc. The name, address and phone number are required.

Q: My property only consists of studio units how should I mark the form?

A: Rental units that are studios, bachelors, guest rooms, singles, etc., should be marked as “0” bedrooms.

Q: I am a new Landlord and I don’t know the “Effective Date of Last Rent Increase” or “Move-In Date.”

A: If you don’t know the “Effective Date of Last Rent Increase,” or the “Move-In Date,” fill in the bubble “I Don’t Know.”

Q: I currently live in one of my rental units, do I still need to submit the Rent Registry form?

A: If you live in your rental unit and rent out the remaining rental units, you still need to fill out the Rent Registry form in order to receive a Registration Statement (Certificate). Property owners that live in their rental units can file for an annual temporary exemption and not pay the registration fee for that particular unit. If the exemption form is submitted, the Rent Registry form for the owner occupied unit should be marked “T1 – Owner Occupied.”

Q: Can I submit my Rent Registry form via facsimile (fax)?

A: Unfortunately the answer is No. We want to avoid the possibility of a Rent Registry form received via fax with smudges, distorted lines or any other issue that can delay a Rent Registry form from being processed properly.

Q: How do I know if my Rent Registry Form is complete?

A: If you paid your registration fee online and completed the Rent Registry, you will receive a confirmation email indicating it is complete and your Registration Statement (Certificate) will be emailed (1-2-days) if you paid a registration fee for one or more rental units.

Q: Will the Rent Registry information become public record?

A: All documents submitted to a government agency are subject to the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Any information that is considered exempt under the CPRA will be redacted.

Q: Who can I contact if I have Rent Registry questions?

A: You can email the Rent Registry Section at Please provide your APN on the subject line. Also, to learn more about the Rent Registry, please come to one of our free workshops held all month in January.

Learn More About the Rent Registry Program

CALENDAR OR EVENTS: Click to view Rent Registry Information Workshop dates.

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