Rental Property Owners, Owning or managing rental housing, Owning a Rent-Stabilized Property|

7 out of 10 LA renters live in a rent-controlled unit. Do you? Text RSO to 1(855) 880-7368 to find out.

This property search only identifies if at least one unit at the property is subject to the RSO (Example: Property will indicate subject to the RSO, but only 2 of 5 units are subject to the RSO). RSO properties include single family dwellings when there are two or more dwellings on a lot, as well as residential units in mixed-use structures with one or more dwelling unit(s) attached to the commercial space. Replacement units constructed after July 16, 2007 are also subject to the RSO (LAMC 151.28).

We strive to provide information that is accurate, reliable, and complete. However the status of RSO properties may change when structures are renovated, demolished, and/or building additions and replacement units are constructed. For more information, please see What is Covered Under the RSO or contact us at (866) 557-7368.

RSO Property Search

ZIMAS (Zone Information Map Access System) is a system that displays the zoning information of parcels within the city of Los Angeles. Parcels may be searched and identified by address, legal description, street intersection, or assessor’s parcel number. Zimas now includes whether a property is subject to the RSO and/or has been removed from the rental housing market (Ellis Act).

After entering the property information into ZIMAS, under Housing, Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) field will indicate Yes or No.

A red arrow pointing within Zimas showing if your unit is subject to Rent Stabilizationi Ordinance.

If marked Yes the property is subject to the RSO (at least one unit is subject to the RSO).

If marked No the property is NOT subject to the RSO. Click here for additional housing resources.

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