Rental Property Owners, Existing Affordable housing developers and Landlords|

A building with swap meet on it and a West Lake theatre sign

Photo by Wally Gobetz under CC BY 2.0

In March 2013, LAHD assumed responsibility for monitoring all residential affordable housing projects  previously funded and monitored by the former Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRA/LA).  Information on important monitoring policies and rent/income levels for tenants residing in an affordable CRA/LA unit can be found by selecting the links below.


Rent Increase Policy
Attachment to Rent Increase Policy
Affordable Rent Calculations for CRA-Funded Development Projects


2018 Income and Rent Limits


2013-2014 Annual Report Regarding the Low and Moderate Housing Income Asset Fund
2014-2015 Annual Report Regarding the Low and Moderate Housing Income Asset Fund
2015-2016 Annual Report Regarding the Low and Moderate Housing Income Asset Fund
2016-2017 Annual Report Regarding the Low and Moderate Housing Income Asset Fund
2017-2018 Annual Report Regarding the Low and Moderate Housing Income Asset Fund
2018-2019 Annual Report Regarding the Low and Moderate Housing Income Asset Fund

AB 987

In October 2007, Governor Schwarzenegger signed the Assembly Bill 987 (AB 987). As a requirement of AB 987, LAHD, as successor of the housing assets of the former Community Redevelopment Agency,  was to compile, maintain, and make available to the public a database of existing new and substantially rehabilitated income restricted units assisted with financing from the the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund.

AB 987 Report  (updated August 2016)

AB 987 Report (updated August 2018)

For more information, please contact us at 213-808-8806 or at

For information regarding compliance, please contact Urban Futures Bond Administration, Inc. (UFBA), at 714-332-1000 or at

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